Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lexical Part

a:ការនិរទេស, អ្នកចាកចោលមាតុភូមិ ​​ b:នៃតារាសាស្រ្ត c:ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ, ប្តូរវេន d:សាកលលោក e:បង្ករផលប៉ះពាល់លើ f:ការជីកយករ៉ែ g:ព្រំដែន, ព្រំខណ័្ដសីម៉ា h:កនែ្លងសង្េកតខ្លមមើល

i:​ដែលមានទុក្ខព្រួយ, ឈឺចាប់ j:ស្ទង់, អងេ្កត, ត្រួតត្រាមើល k:កែវយឹត(សំរាប់មើលតារា) l: ផ្កាយរណប

I.Vocabularies m: kMuBüÚT½relItu

Match the following words to their definitions.




1. desktop /n/

2. telescope /n/

3. satellite /n/

4. to probe /v/

~ (into sth)

5. boundary /n/

6. expat /n/ (informal) expatriate (formal)

7. astronomical /adj/

8. universe /n/

9. observatory /n/

10. mining /n/

11. harrowing /adj/

12. to take a heavy toll (on sb/sth) or to take a real toll (on sb/sth):

  1. shift /v/

A: a person living in a country that is not their own

B: very shocking or frightening and making you feel very upset.

C: the process of getting coal and other minerals from under the ground; the industry involved in this. see also MINE.

D: (of an amount, a price, etc.) very large or the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.

E: a special building from which scientists watch the stars, the weather, etc.

F: to have a bad effect on sb/sth; to cause a lot of damage, deaths, suffering, etc

G: a real or imagined line that marks the limits or edges of sth and separates it from other things or places; a dividing line.

H: to ask questions in order to find out secret or hidden information about sb/sth. 2 to touch, examine or look for sth, especially with a long thin instrument.

I: the whole of space and everything in it, including the earth, the planets and the stars.

J: a piece of equipment shaped like a tube, containing LENSES, that you look through to make objects that are far away appear larger and nearer.

K: an electronic device that is sent into space and moves around the earth or another planet. It is used for communicating by radio, television, etc. and for providing information.

L: a computer with a keyboard, screen and main processing unit, that fits on a desk.

M: to move, or move sth, from one position or place to another

1. L m .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

9 .

10 .

11. .

12. .

13. .

Lexical Part

a: eTsPaBénrukçúCatiexovRsgat; b: kEnøgTl;muxsmuRT c: pøÚvedIr d: yuTænakar e: Rkug>énraCkarRkug

f: RTBürbs;rbrEdlCakmµsiTiæ g: hib>kBa©b;GIva:n;GñkdMeNIr h: bniþcbnÞÜc i: ENnaMbgðaj

j: cg;eFIVGIVmYyEdlEbøk> cg;eFIVdMeNIreTAkEnøgepSg²Kañ k: rnaMg)aMg> r)aMg l: BUk m: kMsYl> dgðk;degIðm



Answer& Khm

1.to get puffed /v/

2.to(get/have) itchy feet

3.to point sth / sb out

4.barrier /n/

5.handful of sb/sth /

6.baggage /n/

7.possession /n/

8.municipal /adj/

9.campaign /n/ ~ (against / for sth)

10. walkway /n/

11. seafront /n/

12. greenery /n/

13. to leave sb / sth behind /v/

  1. mattress /n/

A: 1 to make much better progress than sb. 2 to leave a person, place or state permanently.

B: attractive green leaves and plants.

C: the part of a coastal town next to the beach, often with a wide road or path and a row of houses and shops facing the sea:

D: a passage or path for walking along, often outside and raised above the ground..

E: a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim.

F: an object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward from one place to another.

G: to mention sth in order to give sb information about it or make them notice it.

H: to breathe fast and with difficulty, usually because you have been doing exercise:

I: to want to travel or move to a different place; to want to do sth different.

J: a small number of people or things.

K: bags, cases, etc. that contain sb's clothes and things when they are traveling see also Hand luggage.

L: something that you own or have with you at a particular time SYN belongings.

M: connected with or belonging to a town, city or district that has its own local government

N: the soft part of a bed, that you lie on

1. H m .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

9 .

10 .

11. .

12. .

13. .


II. Fill in the gaps by using the words provided above.

1. He got because he was bored with his job and wanted to escape and ex-girlfriend.

2. One day a colleague this job in Chile.

3. Sometimes, love is discriminated because of the poor and the rich.

So it is called class .

4. I couldn’t speak more than a of words in Spanish.

5. We now have a pleasant a long the .

6. In my country, the forest looks beautiful, so what I miss most is .

7. After you get up, do you need to roll out your ?

III. Some Expressions:

1. It takes a real toll: it is a difficult and task.

e.g. Driving 2 hours to Paranal takes a a toll on Ian and on his relationship with Andrea.

2. I easily get puffed: I get out of breath very quickly.

e.g. He gets puffed when he first arrives and when he exercises in Paranal because it is 2600 miles above sea level.

3. I’m really into sth….. : I’m very interested in sth

4. I’m really into (sports): I’m a big fan of …….

5. A big deal : very important/ of great interest.

6. A big shot : is someone with an important position.


IV. Fill in the gaps by using the words, (Compound nouns and Adjectives) provided on page 10.

1. I will your whole flat if you like.

2. Don’t worry. I know how you are. I’ll make sure everything stays clean and tidy.

3. We are having a party on the 12th. Can you come?

4. Could you possibly water my for me? Cos I’m going away for two weeks.

5. Her grandmother’s got sick and ,so they have to go and help.

Lexical Part (Compound nouns and Adjectives)



Answer& Khm

30. life-size /adj/

31. life insurant /n/

32. housewarming /a/

33. housebound /adj/

34. house-proud /adj/

35. house plant /a/

36. keep an eye on sth/

37. you bet

38. count me in /v/

39. homemade /adj/

40. food processor /n/

41. word processor /n/

42. tea bag /n/

43. sleeping pill /n/

44. sleeping bag /n/

45. fire bell /n/

46. fire escape /n/

47. fire alarm /n/

48. headway /n/

49. headline /n/

50. headlight /n/

51. headrest /n/

52. head office /n/

A: unable to leave your house because you cannot walk very far as a result of illness or old age.

B: spending a lot of time making your house look clean and attractive, and thinking that this is important

C: the same size as a person or thing really is.

D: a plant that you grow in a pot and keep indoors

E:. used instead of 'yes' to emphasize that sb has guessed sth correctly or made a good suggestion.

F: to include sb in an activity

G: to watch or look after something or someone:

J: a piece of equipment that is used to mix or cut up food.

K: a small thin paper bag containing tea leaves, which you pour boiling water onto in order to make tea. / a small paper bag filled with enough tea leaves to make tea for one person

L: made at home and not bought from a shop:

e.g. homemade bread/cakes . homemade wine

M: (BrE also sleeping tablet) a PILL containing a drug that helps you to sleep.

N: a computer used for preparing documents and letters, or the program that is used for this:

O: a thick warm bag that you use for sleeping in, for example when you are camping.

P: make headway to advance or get closer to achieving something: I'm trying to learn to drive, but I'm not making much headway (with it).

Q: a metal staircase or ladder on the outside of a building, which people can use to escape from a fire.

R: the part of a seat or chair that supports a person's head, especially on the front seat of a car.

S: a bell or other device that gives people warning of a fire in a building

T: (also headlamp especially in BrE) a large light, usually one of two, at the front of a motor vehicle; the beam from this light

U: the main office of a company; the managers who work there

30. .

31 .

32 .

33 .

34 .

35 .

36 .

37 .

38 .

39 .

40. .

41. .

42. .

43. .

44. .

45. .








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